Paintings | Series

Anyone, anywhere, doing anything! Lots of people doing lots of things.

“XXL“ is a tribute to the collective spirit of making space for everyone. Just like the Latin expression “Come on in, we can all fit!,” this series embraces the joy of togetherness, but on a grander scale, featuring oversized vehicles that turn necessity into spectacle.

“Come on in, we can all fit!” —or “Vamos, vamos que entramos!” in Spanish—is a common expression in Latin culture. It encapsulates the determination to fit as many people as possible onto a motorbike, even when all the seats are taken, driven by a refusal to leave anyone behind. Legs retracted at awkward angles and backs pressed together, passengers adjust their positions and squeeze in various ways until the bike carries twice its intended capacity. The phrase “Come on in, we can all fit!” becomes a symbol of empathy and resourcefulness, where space is willingly sacrificed to ensure everyone has a place. Ultimately, the series carries a simple yet profound message: there is always room for everyone.